Saturday, January 23, 2016

Battle of the Classes (Chapter 3)

The next day, the seniors were still participating in the games of the Battle of the Classes. Two guys, one of them being Debra's boyfriend, Kyle, were standing on a foot-tall wooden beam holding sticks with a large red pad on each pad. The rest of the seniors were observing the two boys from different teams, waiting for instructions.
A thick short woman with graying red hair began to make a declaration. "Alright, this activity is called, 'Knock Out'. Basically, you have to knock each other off of that beam using your knocking sticks. You have thirty seconds to do such or else, you have to try again."
"Why is hurting each other with giant cotton swabs a game in this event?" asked Skye loudly.
"It's supposed to be for fun so don't complain, Smarty Marty. Alright, are you two ready?" the teacher asked, holding up a timer.
Kyle looked nervously at the guy in front of him who looked like Dolph Lundren and was staring stone cold in Kyle's eyes.
The teacher pressed the button on the timer. "Go!"
The two boys went at it with their padded sticks, canceling out each other's forces with their sticks as if they were in a pirate fight using swords. The seniors began clamoring, anticipating who was going to win. Kyle was nervous while his opponent had the most serious look on his face. Debra, with worry in her eyes, stepped closer to the action.
"Don't hit my boyfriend!" she growled.
"What?" the guy uttered in a deep voice.
Distracted, he was knocked off the beam onto the grass with Kyle's forceful blow.
"The winner: Group Two!" declared the teacher.
Everyone, except for the ones in Group Two, cheered. Debra ran over to her boyfriend as he got off the beam.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Kyle dropped his stick and put his arm around his sweet girlfriend. "I never been better, babe."
Debra interlocked her fingers on the fingers on Kyle's wrapped arm. "You were so good," she grinned as the two walked together.
"I couldn't have done it without you."
"Alright!" hollered the thick teacher. "Group Two and Group Three, pick a person."
"Get out there, Andrea," commanded Madeline.
"Why do I get to go?" Andrea asked.
"Because you'll win."
"That's true."
Andrea's girlfriend applauded her as she walked up to the beam. As she picked up the padded stick, Mauricia, practically Pamela's double, walked on top of the beam.
"Hello, Fanny Andy," she hissed.
"Hello, Sorry Maury," responded Andrea.
Mauricia picked up her stick. "I don't like it when you call me that."
"Good then I'll say it again. Maury, Maury, Maury, Maury, Maury."
"You are so dead."
"Ready?" shouted the teacher, holding up her timer. "Go!"
As Mauricia made many attempts to strike Andrea, Andrea blocked her strike again and again with her stick. The seniors went crazy as the two went at it. As they protected themselves with blocking thrusts using their weapons, the two started fighting verbally.
"Why don't you give up, Andrea?" recommended Mauricia. "Those pigeon wings you call arms will surely give out."
"How did you get so strong?" asked Andrea. "Are you taking steroids to make your chest bigger? I'm sorry, the only thing the steroids are growing is the Burt Reynolds mustache on your face."
"Don't let Andrea get to you, Mauricia," shouted Pamela. "She's just jealous 'cause she's flat. Just like her mama."
Andrea stopped and turned around. "My mama?"
With just one blow from Mauricia, Andrea flew off the beam onto the ground on her back, laying in defeat.
"Oh!" almost everyone uttered.
Mauricia dropped her stick and jumped off the beam, running towards her other half. Pamela picked Mauricia up in a loving hug. Mauricia squealed happily and squeezed her friend back.
Pamela put her friend down. "You were amaze-balls."
"But you're the amaze-balls," said Mauricia.
Andrea pushed herself up and growled. She marched past the crowd towards the bushes by the bleachers.
"What is she doing?" asked Debra.
"You know what she's doing," replied Skye.
Andrea used both of her hands to grab a branch from one of the bushes. With all of her strength, she yanked the branch until the whole thing came out. Everyone looked at what appeared to be some freak show.
"Oh no," Madeline quietly said.
Andrea carried the five-foot-long leafy branch towards the Cow Belles, who were completely oblivious of the Latina. They started to become more aware when Andrea started beating Mauricia with the branch multiple times in a fast motion. Mauricia fell down as she took the blows; Pamela backed up from the action, screaming in her hands.
"That's happening," Madeline noted.
The thick female teacher ran up to Andrea and held her from behind, holding down her arms. Andrea was hot under the collar and let go of the branch. Pamela helped up her aching friend.
"What do you think you're doing!" asked the teacher.
"I'm beating her with a branch," answered Andrea. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
"This kind of behavior is uncalled for."
"She hit me in the face while Pamela talked about my mother."
"That gives you no excuse to rip a branch from a bush and beat that girl to death."
"I wasn't beating her to death but she wouldn't feel that lucky alive."
"From this day and tomorrow, you are banned to participate in any other activities."
"It's the right thing to do."
"She talked about my mother."
"It could've been worse."
"What if someone said something about your mom?"
"What can they say? My mom is dead."

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