Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dirty Little Secret (Chapter 1)

"When can I see you?" asked Andrea to her boyfriend, Kevin, as she closed her locker.

"How about Thursday?" he recommended.

"Can't do Thursday. I have to study."

"For what?"

"A very hard algebra test."

"Then why don't you study tomorrow?"

"I'm not going to be able to remember things for something two days later."

"Whatever. How about Saturday?"

"What about Friday?"

"I have oboe lessons with my mom."

"You want to know how to play the oboe?"

"Yeah. But don't tell anyone who knows me."

"Whatever. I can't do Saturday. I have a thing with the girls."

"Can't cancel it?"

"Can't you cancel your oboe lessons?"


"Then no. Baby, I feel like we never see each other."

"I know. But seeing you at school is good enough."

"That's because you don't have plans during school."

"I do what I can do. Come on, who's the best?"


"That's right." Kevin pecked Andrea on the lips. "See you at school tomorrow."

"You can call me today."

"No, I got to gel my hair."

"Understandable. Bye."


Kevin walked away with Andrea watching him leave, frowning and picking up her shimmery backpack to throw on her back.

Later, her best friends walked up from behind her.

"Hey, Andy," Madeline greeted.

Andrea turned around. "Hey, girls."

"What's new?" asked Lizzie. "You look like you've been struck by lightning."

"Ugh, I wish I was struck by lightning."

"Oh, what's wrong, Andrea?" asked Debra.

"I feel like me and Kevin are drifting apart. He's always busy whether it's important or not. We only see each other at school now. It's been frustrating."

"Aw, Andrea," said Madeline. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Besides, I already told Lizzie so that's only three of you who feel bad for me so that's less pressure."

"I still feel bad," said Lizzie.

"Don't harsh the buzz."

Andrea turned around and squeezed herself between Madeline and Debra so they can walk together. However, they did not get very far as they became face-to-face with their adversaries, Pamela and Mauricia, known as the Cow Belles.

"Looky-looky," said Pamela.

"Well, if it isn't the Cabbage Patch Kids," said Mauricia.

"Here we go again," Skye said quietly to herself.

"You got something to say, Avril Lavigne?" questioned Pamela.

"Why don't you back off?" asked Madeline.

"Why don't you back on?" Mauricia replied.

"Ooh, nice one," said Pamela.

"It really wasn't," commented Skye.

"What do you want, Olsen Twins?" asked Andrea, crossing her arms.

"Nothing," responded Mauricia. "You just happened to be in our way."

"Uh, you probably knew where you were going," said Skye.

"Yeah, we did," said Pamela, "but you were all in the way."

"Then move," said Andrea.

"Yeah, moo-ve," Lizzie added.

The girls, except the Cow Belles of course, giggled.

"I don't get it," said Mauricia.

"Me, neither," Pamela said.

"Well, isn't that surprising?" said Skye.

"Pamela, Mauricia," Madeline started, "we did nothing to you. In fact, we haven't talked to you for a while . So why don't you girls step out of our ways and we don't even have to talk anymore, since it bothers you two so much. Alrighty?"

Pamela and Mauricia looked at each other silently and angrily. As they do, the five best friends walked passed them to go off to their planned destination out of school. While they walk away, a folded piece of paper falls out of Lizzie's backpack. When the Cow Belles turned around, they both spotted the paper, believing it belonged to the quintet. They sprinted over to it with Pamela picking up. She unfolded it, revealing writing that covered the whole paper.

Mauricia gasped. "Could this be?"

"I think it is," Pamela responded.

"A convo between Dizzy Lizzie and Fanny Andy."

"That is what I was thinking."

Mauricia pointed to a specific location on the paper. "Oh, read that right there."

"'Don't tell anyone. It's supposed to be a secret'."

"Do you know what this means?"


"This means that they have something that is not meant to be told. But I think someone has to know, you know?"

"I totally agree. But not just someone; more like everyone."

"Yes! Pam?"


"Let's get dirty."

"Oh, yeah. But not too dirty; I just got this shirt."

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