Sunday, May 31, 2015

What Happened to Sales?! (Chapter 5)

After the big ruckus, the girls decided to wrap up their day at the mall by heading to the food court and eating their purchased food by the fountain. Meanwhile, they talked as usual, especially about their crazy day.
"I can't believe we're banned from the Glam Barn," stated Madeline.
"Only for two months," Andrea added, looking at her corn dog. "I'm already counting the days... even though it happened an hour ago."
"It wasn't much of a good store anyway," commented Skye.
"At least I got my shirt," said Madeline.
"A shirt that you will wear only once a year because you have a million shirts."
"Wow, is that possible?" asked Lizzie.
"It takes two Cow Belles to ruin the day," said Andrea.
"Come on, our day wasn't that ruined," said Debra.
"I'll admit it: I had fun," Skye confessed.
"There's nothing fun about get whipped with a belt fourteen times," said Madeline.
"You're right. 'Funny' is the right word."
"Man, the Cow Belles are going to shred me at cheerleading practice," Lizzie noted.
"Oh, you'll be fine. Ever seen 'Black Swan'?"
"Watch it."
"Don't watch it," Debra shook her head.
"Boy, we are such girls to get into a fight over clothes," stated Madeline.
"Clothes I didn't even buy," said Andrea. "I didn't get to shop at that store."
"Relax. We'll go to other stores. The ones we weren't banned from yet."
"We're gonna get banned again?" questioned Lizzie.
"Everything's possible, Lizzie," responded Skye.
"At least I learned something today," said Madeline.
"Really?" asked Andrea. "Because I learned nothing. But what did you learn?"
"That I hate the Cow Belles even more."
The girls agreed with overlapping comments.
"Scumbags with perfect skin," Skye had the last say.
"Well, I got to go to work," Madeline mentioned. "See you, girls."
She stood up with her corn dog in her hand. Feeling that she couldn't bring it to work, Madeline unzipped her purse and dropped the corn dog inside. She zipped it close and walked away with her girlfriends looking at her with puzzled faces.

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