Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Is This the End? (Chapter 1)

                "Can you buy me a bag of cookies, chocolate bunny?" requested Lizzie to her boyfriend, DeMarcus.
                "Sure can do, white chocolate bunny," he responded.
                He kissed her on the cheek before getting up and heading to the vending machine.
                "I feel like you guys get grosser every day," commented Skye.
                "He's my boyfriend, Skye," reminded Lizzie. "I'm his girlfriend. We're allowed to be gross."
                Skye closed her eyes and shook her head.
                "So you guys ready for Good Movie Friday?" asked Madeline.
                "Yeah, what movie are we watching?" queried Debra.
                "I'm stuck between 'Emma' and 'Titanic'."
                "Ugh! We're not watching 'Titanic'," ordered Skye.
                "Why not?"
                "Because that movie is forty hours long. By the time it's over, we'll be dead."
                "We're gonna die in forty hours?" asked Lizzie.
                "No, I meant that it's too long. And it's a romance film? No. Maybe I'll watch the ending. But from beginning to end, no."
                "Then I guess we'll watch 'Emma'," decided Madeline.
                "I don't understand," started Andrea. "Why do we gotta watch the movies that you only wanna see?"
                "Hey, we saw 'Selena'."
                "Still, we've been having Good Movie Friday for at least thirty Fridays. Can we change it up?"
                "Like Bad Movie Friday," suggested Skye.
                "Like that."
                "Alright, we'll have Bad Movie Friday," declared Madeline.
                "What would we watch?" questioned Lizzie.
                "Hmm... how about... 'Jawbreaker'? I heard that was a bad one."
                "Yes, I'll watch 'Jawbreaker'," said Skye.
                "Good. So are we all ready for Bad Movie Friday?"
                "I don't know," replied Andrea. "I think I'll be busy on Friday."
                Madeline made a face. "You think you'll be busy-- You just said you didn't want to have a Good Movie Friday."
                "It was an opinion turned into a suggestion."
                "Why will you be busy, Andrea?" asked Debra.
                "Because my grandfather is celebrating his eightieth birthday this week but I don't know if my family will care enough to celebrate with him."
                "Do you care?"
                "I mean I care if he dies but he's not gonna die on his birthday."
                "People are more likely to die on their birthday than any other day," shared Madeline.
                "Well, thank you, Bill Nye, the science guy. But I didn't ask for you to tell me that."
                "So are you gonna come by my house for Movie Friday or not?"
                Andrea took a little bit of time to think. "Seventy-five percent yes."
                "You're using a number?"
                "It's a free country, ain't it?"
                Soon, DeMarcus came back, sitting down next to his girlfriend and handing her a little bag of miniature cookies.
                "Aw, thank you!" smiled Lizzie. "Do you want to share with me?"
                "Sure," answered DeMarcus. "I bought it with my money."
                Lizzie opened the bag and took out a chocolate chip cookie. She stuck it halfway between her teeth and winked at DeMarcus. He chuckled before leaning towards Lizzie and biting the other half of cookie which protruded from her smiling mouth. 

                "Ew!" Skye uttered dramatically.

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