"Skye," called Madeline.
The couple kept kissing each other.
"Skye," she called again.
Nothing. They kept ignoring her.
"I know you can hear me."
"Let me try," said Andrea. She snatched Dom by his black and gray striped scarf and pulled him off like some Band-Aid.
Dom looked at Andrea in surprise. "Dang," he said. "You're so strong."
"I'm passing gym," explained Andrea, crossing her arms.
"Good for you. I guess I'll see you later, Skye."
"Call me," Skye ordered.
"For sure." Dom walked away, disappearing into a corner.
"What is your deal?" Skye asked Andrea. "Can't you see I was busy?"
"Yeah, busy sucking face," said Andrea.
"Don't get smart with me."
"Let me handle this, Andy," said Madeline, gently push her back so she could face Skye. "Skye, we've been worried about you."
"Why?" Skye questioned. "I'm not dying."
"We know that. It's just that... you changed."
"So it's not right," Lizzie jumped in.
"I'm a person. Persons change all the time."
"Yeah, but ever since you started dating Dom," started Madeline, "you changed your appearance and interests."
"That was my choice."
"Was it?"
"Yes, princess. This has nothing to do with Dom."
"So if you weren't with Dom and still with Jeffrey, you would've changed anyway?"
"That's correct."
"I don't believe that."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot; liars can smell other liars."
"I am not a liar!"
"You can say that all you want, Madeline. It's always gonna be true."
"Skye, we support your changes," said Debra. "We're just concerned that it's not for the right reasons."
"You act like I can't take care of myself."
"But it seems like that Dom is influencing you. We're not crazy."
"Are you sure?"
"Do you get why we think that?"
"I mean, I like him so I'm just trying to be his type. That's all."
"His type?" repeated Madeline. "Skye, if he liked you before, then you were already his type."
"But he's different. He's a keeper."
"So, in order for you to keep him, you got to dress like him and do what he does?"
"Now you're getting it."
"Skye, that's corny. I thought you were the only person I knew you didn't subject to corniness."
"Who are you calling corny, Kristen Cavallari? Okay, I'm just doing what I want to do."
"Well, it sounds like you're doing what someone else wants you to do," said Andrea.
"What? Like I'm being brainwashed or something?"
"That's right, Heidi Montag."
"You guys need to chill before you get on my nerves. Do you want a smoke?" Skye reached into her bookbag.
"Excuse me?" said Madeline. "A-A-A-A smoke? Did you say a smoke?"
"Yeah, deafy." Skye pulled out a box of cigarettes.
"Put those away. Someone is going to see you."
Skye took out one cigarette and put away the box. "Will you pipe down? I need this; you're stressing me out."
Andrea swiped the cigarette from Skye's pale hand.
"Hey! Give that back!"
When Skye reached for the cigarette, Andrea crushed the whole thing in her hand.
"You are such a she-devil."
"Don't talk to Andrea like that," Madeline demanded.
"I'll say what I want. Thank you very much. You guys are the ones who don't understand me."
"You never smoked a cigarette in your entire life. How is that not understanding you?"
"You don't get it. You just don't get it. I'm the one who puts up with you. Heck, with all of you. Do you know how hard it is to be around a spoiled brat, a muscleman, and a hippie? You guys have nothing in common."
"Did she just call me a man?" asked Andrea, looking at Debra, who just shrugged.
"And Lizzie. Why do we hang out with Lizzie? You should be concerned for her. She doesn't even know what two plus two is."
"Hey, I know what two plus two is," said Lizzie. "It's four... right?"
Skye blinked multiple times. "Do I need to say more?"
"Skye, we're just trying to be good friends," said Madeline.
"Then try to be perfect friends. Can you do that for me? I don't think so." Skye rolled her eyes then walked away from her supposed friends.
"Give me a reason to not punch that girl in the face," requested Andrea.
"She's just going through a phase," replied Madeline. "It happens to all us."
"And it never happened until now," added Debra. "So let's just let her do her own thing."
"I just want you guys to know," started Lizzie, "is that I know what two plus two equals. I just thought she was asking a trick question."
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