"So did you hear about the--" Madeline started before getting interrupted by a loud pllbbt! sound.
The girls looked at Lizzie, who was nonstop giggling as her boyfriend, DeMarcus, blew a raspberry on her cheek multiple times for almost a minute.
Andrea banged both of her hands on the table. "Stop that!"
Lizzie and DeMarcus got startled and simmered down.
"Are you mad because you don't have a boyfriend, Andrea?" Lizzie asked sincerely.
Andrea stood up with a menacing look on her face.
"Don't," Madeline commanded.
Andrea immediately sat back down.
"Why are you so mad?" Lizzie asked.
"Because I don't have a boyfriend," Andrea responded, crossing her arms.
"You don't need one," said Skye. "Trust me."
"Oh, Skye, are you and Jeffrey having relationship problems?" asked Debra.
"No, he just keeps saying the 'L' word to me."
"Lesbian?" guessed Lizzie.
Skye scrunched her forehead. "No. Why does everybody-- Never mind. I meant 'love', Lizzie. He's always like, 'I love you' and I just can't say it. And I think he knows I can't say it but he doesn't talk about it and he keeps on saying it to me."
"Why don't you give him what he wants and just say, 'I love you'?" asked Andrea.
"Because I don't know if I love him. But if I knew that I didn't, I wouldn't want to lie to him."
"Do you know that you don't love him?" asked Debra.
"I don't know. I really like him. He's my boyfriend. I defy every guy that hits on me, like Dom."
"Dominic Westwood?" questioned Andrea.
"Guys, I was going to talk about something!" reminded Madeline.
"Well, now I'm talking," said Skye. "Yes, Dominic Westwood. He's in my English class and we have to write a stupid essay together. But instead of helping me with it, he constantly cracks dirty jokes and plays on his PSP."
"Ugh, he sounds just like Donald," said Debra, reminded of her boyfriend's best friend.
"But less druggy, right? I might as well write the essay by myself and let the teacher know that I did it all by myself."
"You shouldn't do all the work," said Madeline. "You and Dom are all in this together."
"You're all in this together," sang Lizzie.
"Yeah, I know but he's always distracted," said Skye. "He's just some immature boy who was practically born as a monkey."
"Weren't we all born monkeys?" asked Lizzie.
"No, babe, our ancestors were monkeys," DeMarcus clarified.
Lizzie nodded. "Oh, right!"
"Just whip him into shape," suggested Andrea.
"Can't you just come by and whip him?" asked Skye.
"Dominic's coming over your house?" asked Debra.
"Been over my house. But it's all been a waste of time because all he does is fart on the couch and send me winky faces in text messages."
"He has your number, too?" asked Madeline.
"Yeah, but I didn't want him to. I thought it was important to keep in contact. I get dumber by the minute."
"No, you don't," said Debra. "You just want to get an A on your paper. Just be patient and maybe he'll provide to the assignment."
"And if that doesn't work," started Andrea, "smack the crap out of him."
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