"What did your grandfather get for his birthday?" asked Lizzie with a smile.
"Uh, ties, shoes, electrical appliances," replied Andrea, "just stuff he gets every year."
"Yeah, he doesn't really use his gifts. A few years ago, I got him a hat. The last time I checked, dust was forming on it in the corner of his living room. So you can guess what I got him this year."
"A sombrero?"
"No, I gave him nada."
"Hmm, a birthday party with few presents," said Madeline, who was filing with her fingernails with an emery board. "That's something to go to."
"Yeah, he's eighty so of course the party was a bummer," said Andrea. "But I'm glad I went. Seeing Abeulo with a sonrisa on his face gave me a sonrisa."
"I don't know what those words mean but I'm glad you had fun!" Lizzie admitted.
"Yeah, me too," agreed Madeline.
"Uh, Madeline," started Debra, "is there something you need to do?"
"Whatever she needs to do, she's already doing it," said Skye. "Yo, you're going to get nail dust on your food."
Madeline stopped filing her nails and rolled her eyes. "I know what I'm doing. But what are you talking about, Debra?"
"Do you have something to say to Andrea?" asked Debra.
"I said I'm glad she had fun at the party."
"Yeah but is there something else that you want to say to her?"
"Yeah, is there something else that you want to say to me, Maddie?" asked Andrea, slightly imitating Debra's tone.
"Oh, my Kylie Jenner lip kit came in the mail today," responded Madeline. "I forgot to tell you."
"Oh, that's cool."
"Yep. Once I get ahold of it, my lips will be the size of Antartica."
"Be careful or you'll freeze over," joked Skye.
The girls, except for Debra, laughed.
"I don't want you to talk about Kylie Jenner," said Debra. "I want you to talk to Andrea."
"I just did," said Madeline. "Why are you being a weirdo?"
"I'm not; I just want to make sure we're at peace."
"Why wouldn't we be at peace?" questioned Andrea.
"I don't know. I'm just making sure."
"Well, be sure 'cause there's peace," said Madeline.
"I know, I just-- I just really want to-- I got to use the bathroom."
Debra slid out of her seat and walked away, exiting the cafeteria and entering the girls' lavatory across.
"What's wrong with Debbie?" asked Andrea.
"I don't know," said Skye. "Maybe it's too much salad. If she keeps eating it, her brain will turn into a head of lettuce."
"Ha-ha!" Lizzie laughed.
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