On Christmas morning, the girls woke up to their families' warm embrace and indulged themselves in gift-giving. After they felt that their annual tradition was fulfilled, Madeline put on clothes and head out to pick up her girlfriends. They made their way to Alaska's home address which Lizzie received. Once they made it, the five got out of the car and hoisted as many boxes as they could. They trudged to the door with Madeline in front so she rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, a gentleman in his early forties, good-looking with light brown long hair combed back, answered the door.
"Hello, Mister Dunn," Madeline greeted, poking her head out of the boxes.
"Hello," the man said back. "Who are all of you?"
"We're the girls who promised to give you Christmas," said Lizzie.
"Actually, Lizzie promised you Christmas," corrected Andrea. "We just got sucked in."
"Oh, you're the one who promised to give us Christmas," said Mr. Dunn to Lizzie.
"Is that Lizzie?" Alaska's sweet voice was heard. She revealed herself by the door, wearing baby blue pajamas.
"Hi, Alaska!" Lizzie said.
"Come on, girls," commanded Madeline. "Let's bring this Christmas crap in before our arms fall of and a girl like me needs her arms."
The quintet walked themselves in and dropped their boxes once they entered the lounge of the house.
"Oh, you girls don't have to give us Christmas," said Mr. Dunn.
"But we want to, Mister Dunn," said Madeline.
"Oh, no. I can't possibly let you do this. It's nice and all but I think we're fine."
"It's okay, Mister Dunn."
"But no, I--"
"Shut up!" Skye ordered, sticking a large plastic candy cane in Mr. Dunn's face. He leaned back, staring cross-eyed at the end of the cane. "We spent our entire break buying all of this for you," she continued. "So we're going to give you Christmas whether you like it or not. But you're gonna like it, okay?" Skye put down the cane, allowing Mr. Dunn to stand up straight. "Geez, ungrateful," she murmured to herself.
"Where should we put the decorations?" asked Debra.
"The living room," answered Alaska. "We were going to celebrate Christmas in the living room."
The living room was right by so the girls entered it to take a better look. It was the average living room; it had a couple of sofas, a chair, a television and a coffee table. But it was very plain. The walls were white and naked. Everything else was a solid color, especially the plain Christmas tree standing in the corner.
"Dang, you got to cleaned out!" said Andrea.
"Shhh!" Debra hushed her.
"We got a lot of work to do," said Lizzie.
"That's what we came here to do," said Skye.
"Gosh, I feel like the host of a house-decorating show," shared Madeline.
So the girls began to open all of the boxes and take out all the items in them. Together, they hung stuff up, stapled things into the wall and placed things on the floor. They also worked on the tree, hanging on the branches bulbs, beads, ribbons, and lights. They even helped Alaska place a golden star on the top of the tree. It took them almost two hours, with the help of the Dunns, to embellish the living room. When they were finished, they all stood by the doorway and looked at the results.
"Sorry if it seems a bit mismatched," apologized Madeline. "We all have different tastes."
Later, Alaska's mother, early forties with glasses and long caramel-colored hair, walked downstairs and ran up to the gang when her eye got caught on the decor. She stood there with a stunned look on her face.
"What happened here?" she asked with astonishment in her voice.
"We filled your living room with the Christmas spirit," answered Lizzie.
"Why did you do this on Christmas day?"
"In case your home got robbed again," replied Andrea. "Now you can enjoy Christmas on the day of."
Mrs. Dunn walked closer into the living room slowly. "Oh, my God. I love it. I love it!"
The girls smiled as Mr. Dunn walked towards his wife and put his arm around her. They turned around to face the girls.
Mrs. Dunn continued, "It's as if you gave us..."
"Christmas?" guessed Lizzie.
"Yes, exactly. Thank you. Who are you girls?"
"We're your Christmas angels," Debra responded.
"Ugh, I don't want to be an angel," Skye muttered.
"They go to my school, mom," said Alaska. "They heard that we were robbed so they decided to help us."
Mrs. Dunn put her hand on her chest. "Oh, thank you, girls."
"No problem, Missus Dunn," said Madeline. "So I guess we'll just head on out."
"Where are you going?"
"Back home," answered Andrea.
"Oh, please stay. You got to. You can invite your families over."
"I don't know about that," said Skye.
"Please? I'll make dinner. It would be an honor to have our angels for Christmas."
The girls glanced at each other until they all smiled.
"Sure, why not?" smiled Madeline.
"Yay!" Alaska grinned. She zipped towards Lizzie and gave her a big hug.
"Hey, we did the work, too," Andrea mentioned to Alaska.
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