Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Gifts & Mistletoe (Chapter 1)

'Twas a week before Christmas, during a warm weekend
At the mall were Madeline and her four girlfriends
They walked pass stores of games and apparel
And a group of people singing Christmas carols
The girls sang along off-key which was okay
"Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!"
The girls entered a shop called "Jewels R U"
Where the sparkly jewelry can make a girl go, "Ooh!"
Lizzie asked, "Can you afford any of this?"
Madeline said, "Relax, my parents are rich."
The employee said, "Hi, can I help you?"
Andrea replied, "Do you have anything worth dollars of two?"
"Of course not, silly, this is a jewelry store."
"Well, there is nothing I am looking for."
Lizzie asked, "Don't you wanna give your mom something special?"
Andrea said, "Yeah, I could give her a pretzel.
The way my wallet looks says I can't afford nothing."
Maddie said, "Come on, you can afford something."
"Not in here. All I can do is look around."
Skye said, "I agree. I'm almost cleaned out."
Madeline said, "Fine, we'll go to another store.
But wait for me; I think I know what to look for."
Debra asked Madeline, "What does your mom want?"
Madeline answered, "Something she can flaunt."
The employee said, "What you think you're gonna buy?"
"I think I'll get that watch. It looks super fly!"
The employee looked at the watch studded with diamonds
She said, "Wow, this one is worth more than an island."
Maddie said, "What?!"; the girl said, "Just kidding.
"This is what you wear when you're good at winning."
Madeline said, "My mom is always a winner.
"Everything she wears makes her look thinner.
"How much is this watch? I don't care how much you say."
The employee said, "Thirteen thousand. That and some change."
Skye uttered, "Dang! I can barely buy lunch."
Madeline shrugged, "Heh, I had a hunch."
Debra questioned, "Are you going to still buy it?"
Skye said, "You know, people save money. You should try it."
Madeline said, "No, this is not about me today.
"I'm gonna buy this watch and ask my boss for a raise."
Lizzie cooed, "Aw, Maddie, that's so sweet."
Maddie said, "Well, I'm the sweetest girl you'll ever meet."
Debra asked, "Since you got your mom something, what about your dad?"
"Well, my dad didn't ask for anything which makes me very glad."
Andy asked, "Can you buy a sister some earrings?"
"Oh, please, Andrea, you have enough bling."
Lizzie said, "I don't know what I should get my brother today.
"I also wonder when was Jesus born. Probably in May."
After the girls ignored Lizzie's confusing statement
Madeline received the watch with good money spent
The girls head out and could still hear the songbirds
And they sung along again, reciting every single word

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