“Hey, Mauricia,” Madeline greeted her politely, putting her hands behind her back.
Mauricia looked up and was immediately disgusted. She rolled her eyes before standing up. “What do you want, ex-friend?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“I wanted to tell you how great you look in that outfit.”
Maurica flipped her short, dark hair. “I know. Why are you kissing my butt cheeks?”
“Look, I’m sorry that I used to be your friend and now I’m not your friend. I’m only friends with those... basic girls just so they could get off my back. You know how jealous people be jocking us.”
Mauricia giggled. “You’re right. You’re right about that.”
“I just want to be friends with you two again. You girls were fun, a riot. Like I am so jelly about how close you two are. I bet you guys never lie to each other about anything. I mean, anything!”
“Well, that’s not totally true. But we’re super duper close. Like, super duper.”
“You guys can’t be super duper close if you’re lying to each other.”
“Well, I don’t know if Pamela lies to me but I am def’ guilty.”
“Listen, I can’t be besties with someone who lies to their bestie.”
“Okay, what if I tell you my lie to make you feel better. Huh? Would that make you feel better?”
“Uh, it def’ would!”
“Okay. So one time, I was supposed to go over Pamela’s house to watch a movie or something. But I called her that night and told I couldn’t come because I stubbed my toe. Actually, I didn’t stub my toe. I went out to dinner with Patrick Monaghan. The reason I didn’t tell Pamela was because Patrick was her crush for four years since seventh grade.”
“Ooh! You bad girl!”
“I know, right? I mean if she wasn’t going to date him, why can’t I? It’s like the pursuit of happiness, you know?”
“And did you ever see him again?”
“Ah, a few times, but it was nothing serious.”
“You go, girl.”
Afterwards, Pamela walked up to Mauricia with a little bag of vegetable chips. She had a face of complete confusion mixed with anger.
“Uh, Mauricia, why are you talking to the skank of Laguna?” she asked.
Madeline rolled her lips inside her mouth and tried to ignore that comment.
“It’s okay, Pamela,” said Mauricia. “She wants to be one of us now... again.”
“Really?” asked Pamela before looking at Madeline. “You want to be friends with us again?”
“Uh, no,” Madeline said, shaking her head and crossing her arms.
“No?” repeated Mauricia. “What do you mean? You said you wanted to be friends with us.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“We just had a whole conversation.”
“I don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember. What are you, dumb?”
“No, you are.”
“Hey!” said Pamela, stepping closer. “Don’t call my sister dumb.”
“I’m not sure she’s your sister with all the lies she’s telling you.”
“What are you talking about? Mauricia never lies to me.”
“Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that.”
Madeline stuck her hand inside her shirt, grossing out the Cow Belles. She eventually pulled out what seemed to be a tape recorder. She started pressing the buttons on the side of the recorder, causing a rewinding sound. Then the recorder started playing audio of Mauricia speaking.
“So one time, I was supposed to go over Pamela’s house to watch a movie or something. But I called her that night and told I couldn’t come because I stubbed my toe. Actually, I didn’t stub my toe. I went out to dinner with Patrick Monaghan.”
Pamela gasped with her jaw dropping as low as it could. “You went out with my Patrick Monaghan on our movie night?”
Mauricia giggled nervously. “You never went out with him so I thought it would be okay.”
“If you thought it would be okay, why didn’t you tell me about it?”
“Uh, I forgot?”
“No, you didn’t! You knew I liked Patrick and you’d gone out with him?”
“I’m sorry! I just bumped into him one day and he looked good. He was glistening like some god.”
“I don’t want to hear about that! You lied to me!”
“I was gonna tell you someday.” Mauricia then looked at Madeline and uttered through her teeth, “And why did you tattle on me? I told you all that in confidence.”
“When were you going to tell me? Because I know it had to happen more than a year ago.”
“Seriously. A tape recorder? What are you, a cop? You’re such a ho... and a cop. You’re like—What was that movie Pam Grier was in? Foxy Brown. You’re Foxy Brown. Wait, was Foxy Brown a cop?”
“This is no time for movies. You had a chance to watch a movie with me and you blew me off for Patrick Monaghan!”
“Why would you do this, Madeline?”
“I don’t know,” shrugged Madeline. “I guess I’m a two-timer.”
Madeline strutted away as Pamela and Mauricia continued to argue. She walked towards her friends like a hot woman working at the office while her girls were laughing and cheering her on. When she was close enough to her table, she dropped the tape recorder on top. The girls flinched and leaned away from the small machine.
“Ew, nobody wants to touch your boob recorder,” said Skye.
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