Everybody on the campsite packed up their bags and helped each other disassemble their tents as the trip was coming to an end. The top ranger used a remote to deflate the shared chaperones' tent. Several students, including Debra and Madeline, helped the chaperones clean up the site as well.
The Cow Belles loitered, not bothering to help anyone after preparing themselves to leave.
"Thank God that we get to leave this dump," Pamela shared with Mauricia.
"I'm glad you had fun," the ranger overheard.
Pamela scoffed.
"Thank you for letting me use your hot comb," said Mauricia, playing with her fixed, curly hair. "You are my hero."
"Oh, you are my hero."
"Thanks, girl."
After Madeline closed a suitcase for a chaperone, Speed walked up to her. She wanted to ignore him but thought she might as well listen to what he has to say.
"Hi, Madeline," he greeted.
"Hi," she responded, not looking into his eyes.
"Look, I assume that you're mad at me about something. So I want to say I'm sorry."
"Funny how you're talking to me and all of these people are staring."
"I don't care at this point. Do you think you can forgive me?"
"I don't know. You and me reside in two different worlds. I'm smart enough to know who I should be with and that guy can't be you. Sorry, Speed, I'm letting you go."
"You're not gonna think about this?"
"Oh, I've already thought about it. But don't worry, you'll find another rich girl to feed off of, Phineas Georgestown."
"Please don't call me that."
"Call you what? Phineas?"
"Come on, everybody knows your name is Phineas."
"Not everybody. Be quiet."
"You don't like that, Phineas?"
"Shut up." Speed ran away from Madeline as soon as he felt eyes on him.
"What you running from, Phineas?!"
"I hate you!"
"Your name is Phineas Georgestown!"
Andrea walked up to Madeline, giggling. "His name is Phineas?"
"Yes. Please tell as many people as you can."
"Okay. Listen, I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and Speed."
"It's okay. We weren't meant to be. I sort of saw it coming."
"Hey, 'Phineas' is better than 'Madeline', right?"
"Way better."
The two were soon approached by the Cow Belles. The girls rolled their eyes but directed their attention to them.
"Thank you for letting us sleep with you, girls," said Pamela.
"You're welcome," smiled Madeline.
"But can we give you a tip?" asked Mauricia. "Lose more weight; that tent was getting a little claustrophobic."
"You're claustrophobic," snarled Andrea.
"Whatever, elephant thighs," said Pamela, putting her hand up.
Andrea started to get a crazy look in her eye. Madeline held her back just in case she was going to strike. The Cow Belles rolled their eyes at them before walking away. As they did so, Pamela accidentally kicks a squirrel on the ground.
"What the--?" said Pamela.
"What is it?" asked Mauricia.
"Nothing. Just some stupid squirrel. Get out of my way, creature," she glared at the small animal.
The squirrel began chattering loudly. Then it crawled up Pamela's leg onto her body. Pamela tried to shake the squirrel off but it had a tight grip. Then the squirrel jumped from Pamela's shoulder onto her face and started to attack her. Pamela's screams muffled on the squirrel's body and she ran around in circles, trying to tear the squirrel off. But the squirrel was too strong, holding onto her face with its claws and chewing on her skin with its buckteeth. Mauricia followed Pamela, attempting to help her while Madeline and Andrea stared at the action.
Andrea began smiling and dancing with her arms in the air while singing cheerfully, "I ain't worried bout nothin'. I ain't worried bout nothin'. I ain't worried bout nothin'."
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