Thursday, January 1, 2015

Meet My Girlfriend (Chapter 5)

The day after, Skye went to school with her friends with confidence. After going through a few classes, Skye went to her physics class unaware of anything. She entered the classroom, spotting her friend, Lee, passing out a stack of papers to the students who entered before her. Once Lee saw Skye, she pressed the papers against her chest.

"Hey, Lee," Skye greeted.

"Hi, Skye," Lee responded. "Hey, that rhymed."

"Yeah. What are you passing out?"

"Oh, nothing."

"It has to be something. Unless you're passing out blank sheets of paper."

"Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm just encouraging people to splatter their imagination on this paper. Albert Einstein says imagination is more important than education."

"That's funny because you're passing them out in school."

"Irony: what do we do without it?"

When another student entered the room, Lee quickly handed a piece of paper to the boy and shoved him right after to keep him walking.

"Those papers aren't blank," Skye pointed.

"What?" Lee almost sang. "These papers are so blank."

"Lee, I saw the paper you gave to that guy. It was not blank."

"Skye, are you taking that special medicine because it sounds like you're not."

"The medicine is for my hiccups. Can you give me a sheet of paper?"

"Uh... no can do."

"Why can't do?"

"I bet you already have a piece of copy paper somewhere in your notebook."

"There might be but I don't feel like getting it out. May you spare me one?"

"Um-- Uh-- What?"

"You heard me. Just give me one."

"I don't need to."

Skye gripped onto the stack of papers. "But you can. Just give it."

Lee, not letting go of the stack, wriggled back and forth to loosen Skye's grip, which was not working. "No!" she shouted.

The girls fought over the stack back and forth like a tug of war. They held on for several seconds until Skye's strength increased to where she threw the stack on the ground with several pieces of paper floating in the air. She caught one of the floating papers and sprinted pass Lee as she read it.

"'Skye Carter is a homophobe'?" she recited. She stared at Lee with shock in her eyes. "Why are you passing these out?"

"Because that's what you are!" Lee responded. "A vile homophobe."


"What? I can't let the whole world know?"

"You put this on the internet?"

"No, not yet. When I meant 'world', I meant 'class'. But still, I'm calling you out for disapproving of my sexuality."

"Lee, I'm not disapproving of your sexuality. I accept the way you are."

"Then why did you reject my kiss?"

"Because I'm not gay! Why can't you accept that?"

"You gave me a... vibe."

"Well, I don't know what's gay about me but the innuendo is not really innuendo! Lee, I have a gay uncle and when I first learned that, I didn't push him away. I still loved him and supported whatever felt right to him. Just because I'm not a lesbian does not make me homophobic. I love everybody. And I was born straight so I plan on not doing anything about it. It's who I am. And the last time I checked, homosexuality is not a choice, it is an identity. I'm not trying to change you so why change me?"

Lee looked down. "I didn't think about it that way."

"Yeah. Also, you're a member of an anti-bullying campaign. And what you're doing..." Skye held up the paper for Lee to see. " a promotion of bullying. You're labeling me as something I'm not. I don't treat homosexuals any differently than heterosexuals. Everyone is equal in my eyes and everyone should be equal in your eyes."

"I'm sorry, Skye. It's just that sometimes I feel like the only lesbian in this school. I assumed that was because nobody wants to be gay."

"Of course, when people find out they're gay, some tend to feel uncomfortable about it. But if you accept who you are and want people to accept who you are, you got to accept them."

"You're right. I was bugging."

"It's okay; people bug. And if I was sure I was a lesbian, I'd totally date you. But I'm straight and I'm going to marry Bono."

Lee chuckled. "You're actually serious about that, aren't you?"

"You have no idea."

Quickly after, the physics teacher walked into the classroom once the bell rung. He stopped a couple feet from the doorway when he saw the papers on the floor and quickly read them.

"Skye, is this true?!" he asked, becoming infuriated.

"Oh, boy," Skye said softly to herself.

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