For a couple of days, the girls tried to figure out who was posting their secrets publicly. After thinking of people who could have done it, they all agreed that the Cow Belles, Pamela and Mauricia, were behind it. So Madeline told a friend who told a friend to tell the Cow Belles to come by the choir room at school around three O'clock to check out makeup samples on Monday. Madeline succeeded with the plan; afterwards, once Monday came around, the Cow Belles visited the choir room after school.
They opened the two doors for the entrance and walked right in. They immediately saw the girls, except for Andrea, standing feet away from them.
"Oh, it's you five," said Pamela. "Actually, four."
"Anyway, why are you guys here for the makeup samples?" asked Mauricia.
"Isn't it obvious, Mauricia? They need it badly."
"Oh, yeah. That's right."
"There are no makeup samples," said Madeline.
"Why?" asked Pamela. "Did you buy it all?"
"She thinks she's such a rich girl," said Mauricia.
Andrea walked out from the space beside the stage with a broom. She walked towards the doors and stuck the broom inside the handles. She walked pass the Cow Belles and stood beside her friends.
"There were never any samples," said Lizzie.
"Then why are we here?" asked Pamela.
"Because we know," replied Madeline.
"You know what?" asked Mauricia.
"We know you posted our secrets onto text and the newspaper," said Skye.
Pamela gasped. "Really? Us?"
"We would never do such a thing," said Mauricia.
"Alright," started Madeline, "listen, please. We just want to talk to you two. We don't mean any harm--"
Suddenly, Andrea screamed. She ran towards the Cow Belle, only to jump on Pamela and push her down. All of the girls looked at them in surprise. Andrea shook and wriggled Pamela's head; Pamela put her hands on Andrea's hands but she could not pull them off. She screamed in terror while Andrea growled, trying to pull her hair out.
"Hey, get off of my friend!" Mauricia said, putting her hand on Andrea's arm.
Andrea, while pulling on Pamela's hair with one hand, pulled on Mauricia's hair with her other hand, shaking Mauricia's head vigorously.
"Okay, nevermind!" Mauricia said in a crying voice. "Nevermind! You won! Nevermind!"
Madeline rushed over to Andrea, pulling her off of the Cow Belles by the waist. She dragged her back to where her friends were standing; Andrea had thin locks of hair in her balled up hands.
The Cow Belles quickly stood up and tried to fix their raveled hair.
"We didn't come here to be treated like this," said Pamela.
"You came here for beauty products," Skye commented.
"True that," said Mauricia.
"What do you want from us?" asked Pamela.
"We want to know how you unveiled our deepest secrets," said Debra.
"Whoa, calm down, Charles Dickens," said Mauricia.
"We will tell you," Pamela added.
"Liz-Wad left a note of her and Andrea talking about their hair and boyfriend problems."
"So we snipped pieces from their information and mass-texted to our inner circle."
"Who mass-texted it to their inner circles."
"Who mass-texted to the people left on their contacts."
"Okay, that makes sense," said Madeline, giving a short glare to Lizzie. "But how did you figure out the things that we didn't write?"
"Oh, that was simple," said Mauricia.
"Very simple," added Pamela.
"We hacked into your Facebook accounts."
"We had these guys follow you and take pictures of suspicious stuff."
"And by 'guys', we mean 'photography nerds who are obsessed with us'."
"Like, who wouldn't be? We're irrestible."
"You hacked into our Facebook accounts?" asked Madeline.
"And your phones, too," added Mauricia.
"Y'all are some crazy putas," Andrea commented.
"Why would you do this?" asked Debra.
"Because we're bored," answered Pamela.
"And powerful," said Mauricia.
"You guys deserve to be embarrassed."
"You embarrassed us last year by showing our acne."
"But with the pictures, I can definitely get in a Proactiv commercial."
"Anyway, how else are we going to show our unappreciation for you all?"
"By leaving us alone?" recommended Skye.
"Look, girls," Madeline began, "we may not like each other but to be nice, we're not going to tell on you."
"What?" Andrea said loudly.
"We're not going to tell. But we won't tell if you guys stop doing what you were doing."
"Deal," said Pamela.
"This is a bunch of bull!" said Andrea
"Andrea, the appropriate words are 'Taurus fasciculum est'," said Debra, almost struggling with the phrase.
"What does that mean?"
"It's latin for 'This is a bunch of bull'!"
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