Monday, January 16, 2017

Beach Babes (Chapter 2)

Later that day, the girls made a short road trip to Laguna Beach. When they arrived, the entire beach was scattered with civilians of all ages. They wandered around together in the hot sand until they found some space to chill. Lizzie set the blanket she brought on the sand before the rest of the girls sat down on it. Madeline put her basket full of goods down. Debra brought an umbrella so she could stick it into the sand and create shade for her friends. Andrea brought a separate blanket to lay down on so she could rest in the bright sun.
"Andrea, don't you think it's a little dangerous to lay in the sun like that?" asked Skye. "You could get skin cancer."
"If I do, I'll look good with it," said Andrea, slipping her sunglasses on. She laid her head on her arms.
"That's not the right response, Andrea."
"Candy Andy is going to look like actual candy if she stays in this heat," said Madeline.
"Don't be jealous," Andrea said.
"I'm not jealous of burning into a crisp, Andrea."
"Leave her be," commanded Debra politely. "If she wants a tan, let her get a tan."
"Alright, Debs."
Debra smirked then set her eyes on the blue ocean. It was catching some pretty big waves. But what was interesting was a guy riding the waves on his surfboard. He was doing fine for a good minute until the wave crashed down on him. Some people who standing a bit close to the waters were cheering for him. He ran through the waters back onto the surface with his surfboard in his arm.
"Like what you see?" asked Madeline.
Debra glanced at her. "Oh, yeah," she said, nodding.
"I know how much you loved to surf when you were a kid."
"Yeah but sometimes people grow out of things."
"That's true," agreed Lizzie. "I grew out of my ears when I got to the eighth grade."
"She means hobbies, Lizzie," corrected Madeline.
"Oh. Well, I guess that's true, too."
"You can't just stop doing things just because you're older," said Skye. "I mean, I get growing out of coloring books and toys but surfing is different. If you miss surfing and you want to--"
"O.M.G., that girl has a jellyfish on her leg," Madeline interrupted.
Skye set her eyes on a young woman with a purple jellyfish stuck to her left leg screaming her lungs out. Some girls, probably her friends, followed the woman as she zipped past the quintet.
"This is what I came here," said Skye, digging into the pocket of her black hoodie. She grabbed her cell phone and got up. "Hey, wait!" she yelled at the woman. "I got to take a picture!" Skye ran after her.
"And there are some things that people don't grow out of," Madeline shared. "Skye is a prime example."
Debra chuckled.
"Can we get some snowballs?" asked Lizzie. "We walked by a shack for it."
"I think that shack is for shaved ice," corrected Madeline.
"Whatevs. Can we go?"
"Sure." Madeline picked up her tote bag. "Debra, you want to come with?"
"No thanks," answered Debra. "I'll just be here, enjoying the sunshine."
"Don't enjoy it too much or you'll look like Andrea."
"You're just mad 'cause I slay!" Andrea yelled in a muffled tone since she was face down on her blanket.
Debra chuckled again. "Can you get me some shaved ice?" she asked.
"What flavor?" asked Madeline, getting up.
"Surprise me."
"I'll get you blue raspberry."
"That's not a surprise."

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