Monday, December 29, 2014

Meet My Girlfriend (Chapter 2)

The next day, Skye became really good friends with her physics classmate, Lee. She decided to walk with Lee to lunch and introduce her to her best friends. Once the two got inside and close enough to the girls, Skye immediately regrets her decision when she hears Lizzie say:

"I am so constipated!"

Skye stopped, making Lee stop. "I was wrong," she said. "You shouldn't meet my friends."

Madeline heard Skye's voice and turned her head. "Hey, Skye."

"Hello," Skye replied.

"Who's that?"

Skye walked closer, making Lee walk closer as well. "This is my friend, Lee."

"Isn't Lee a boy's name?" asked Lizzie. "Not to be rude."

"Yeah," Lee responded. "But it's short for Leah."

"Oh, that's cute. Come sit with us."

"No!" Andrea shouted. She stood up and waved her arms. "No sitting! We made a mistake last year and we're not going to make another one again. I swear that taped picture still haunts my dreams."

"What is she talking about?" Lee whispered to Skye.

"It's a long story," Skye said. She turned her attention to Andrea. "Andy, this one is clean so there's nothing to worry about."

Andrea sat back down.

"Sit, sit," Debra ordered nicely.

Skye sat down next to Debra with Lee sitting next to her.

"Nice to meet you, Lee," said Madeline. "Sorry about Andrea. She's... something."

"I'm sorry," Andrea apologized. "I just thought I had to whack another weirdo who might stalk me later."

"Is she a bully?" Lee asked Skye.

"No," Skye answered, "she's just rude. We're going to fix her."

"So, Lee," started Debra, "where do you know Skye from?"

"I met her in physics," answered Lee. "I never really talked to her because she doesn't talk to anyone."

"Skye, are you an 'isolator'?" asked Lizzie.

"I don't think that's a word," Skye replied.

"It's going to be if you keep being that."

"No, Skye is usually quiet," Madeline said to Lee. "But gladly, she has people like us to break her shell."

"Yeah, I used to be a snail, now I'm a slug," Skye joked.

The girls giggled.

"You got to love Skye for her dry humor," commented Lizzie.

"I do," said Lee. "She's really funny."

"You seem nice, Lee," said Debra. "Tell us about yourself."

"Well, I'm a painter. I make portraits and sell them on the internet. I'm also a member of an anti-bullying campaign online where I post self-made videos. You should join one day, Andrea."

Andrea chuckled smugly before sipping her bottle of chocolate milk with a straw with frantic eyes.

"But frankly, I just skateboard during the weekends and work at a video game store every day after school."

"That sounds interesting," said Madeline.

"Are you good at skateboarding?" asked Skye.

"I mean I do a little 360 kickflips, kickstands and long-term grinding," Lee boasted.

"I do not know what all of those were," admitted Lizzie, "but it sounds like you're a good skateboarder."

"Thank you... I think."

"Where did you get that hat?" asked Andrea.

"From Hot Topic."


"A bunch of beanies are on sale at that store."


"Are you a beanie person?"

"I wear a little here and there."

"Well, somebody has good taste in fashion."

"Thank you."

"I thought I had good taste in fashion," said Lizzie. "I got to get a beanie. Do they make them in red?"

"Any color really," answered Lee.

"Alright! This must be my lucky day."

"I like your friends, Skye."

"Thanks," Skye responded. "Maybe someday, I can meet your friends."

"Hopefully, they aren't more fabulous than us," Madeline flipped her hair.

"Actually, they're all super rich," said Lee.

"Oh, then they're better than us," said Andrea, scratching her head.

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