"I need a new razor," confessed Madeline, taking out a bottle of mineral water from her lunch bag.
"How shocking," said Skye, smiling.
"What's wrong with the one you have now?" asked Lizzie.
"It cuts me," answered Madeline. "A lot."
"Do you shave fast?" asked Debra.
"Sometimes. But that's because I keep getting stumble, stumble, stumble. And boys don't like stumble on ladies."
"Not all boys," Skye joked.
"And now, I have cuts all over my legs," said Madeline. "So until the cuts heal up, I have to wear pants."
"Oh, well, that isn't so bad," said Lizzie.
"But we're in California and my legs sweat."
Skye scrunched her forehead at that comment.
"That's natural?" Lizzie asked.
Debra looked closely at Andrea, who was smiling and gazing at the ceiling with her elbow on the table and her head resting in her hand. Debra could tell that Andrea was barely listening to the girls' conversation.
"Andrea..." she sung.
Andrea continued to look up at the ceiling.
"Andrea," Debra repeated.
Still no response.
"Andrea!" she yelled in a gruff voice.
"What?" Andrea jumped.
Debra giggled as if she never yelled. "What's going on? You're being quiet."
"Oh, I don't have much to say today," Andrea shrugged.
"Well, that's odd," said Madeline, opening her bottle of water. "You usually have something to say. Other than Skye."
"Hey!" Skye called.
"What? It's true."
"Yeah, I know," Skye said in a calmer voice.
"So tell us," Madeline looked at Andrea, "what is up?"
Andrea sighed. "Okay, I have something to say."
"Of course you do. What is it?"
"I... have a boyfriend!"
"What?" Lizzie gasped.
"You have a boyfriend?" Madeline slowly smiled.
"Yeah," Andrea giggled. "Tengo un novio!"
"I'm so happy for you," said Debra.
"Thanks, Debbie."
"Wait a second," said Skye. "That means you've been a dating a boy for a while and didn't tell us."
"Oh, yeah, what is that all about?" Madeline lost her smile.
Andrea's eyes widened. "Well, when I met Ricardo-- that's his name-- I wasn't that interested. But later, I gave him a chance and I started to really like him. So I didn't know how to tell you guys about us since we were moving so fast. Then we settled for a relationship and I have to tell you guys about that."
"Well, we can't get mad at you for dating a guy without telling us," said Lizzie.
"Unless the guy's a serial killer," Debra mentioned. "That's important."
"Well, Ricardo is not a serial killer," said Andrea. "He's sweet and kind and thoughtful."
"Aww..." Lizzie uttered.
"So when do we get to meet your Ricardo?" asked Skye.
"You can meet him whenever," answered Andrea. "He goes to our school."
"He does?" asked Madeline. "I never heard a 'Ricardo'."
"Well, he's in one of my classes. That's how we met."
"It's possible that we've bumped into him before," mentioned Debra. "We just don't know who he would've been."
"I can get him to come to our lunch period," Andrea recommended.
"Won't he get in trouble?" Skye asked.
"Probably but I bet he'll get into trouble for me. He's so favoring. Oh! I can show you a picture if it'll refresh your memory."
"Maybe later," said Madeline.
"Okay, later. Wait, after-school-later or at-my-house-later?"
"Why?" asked Lizzie.
"Because I want to show you today."
"You said we can see him whenever," reminded Debra.
"Well, we can see him today."
"Okay, hold your horses," said Madeline.
"My horses are held!"
"We will see him when we see him. There's no rush."
"You're right. I'm sorry. I just really like Ricardo and I really want to flaunt him."
"We know you do. You flaunt everything."
"What were we talking about earlier?" questioned Lizzie.
"Madeline's leg stumble," replied Skye.
Madeline glared at Skye but playfully.
"If you guys don't want me talking about my leg stumble," she started, "then buy me a razor for Christmas."
"But Christmas is nine months away," Lizzie responded.
"That doesn't mean you can't start shopping."
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